What is HCBS?

Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) are a Medicaid-funded program designed to provide support to children and youth under 21 in New York State. This program’s goal is to enable children and youth to receive care in their homes and communities rather than in institutional settings. These services aim to maintain family unity and promote the child's development within their natural environment. The Children's Medicaid System Transformation consolidated multiple previous waivers into a single comprehensive waiver, streamlining access to services for eligible individuals.
The HCBS program offers a range of services tailored to meet the specific needs of each child or youth. These services include respite care, caregiver/family advocacy and support, prevocational support, supported employment, palliative care and other supports that facilitate community integration and enhance quality of life. The program emphasizes person-centered planning, ensuring that services are developmentally and culturally appropriate. These services are provided in a flexible, complimentary package that evolves over time to meet the changing needs of the child/youth.
Children under the age of 21 that are enrolled in or are eligible to enroll in Medicaid may be eligible for HCBS services if they meet the Level of Care placement criteria. This includes children/youth with Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED), or Medically Fragile Children/youth (MFC), or Children with a Developmental Disability that are also Medically Fragile, or children/youth with a Developmental Disability that are also in Foster Care.